Title | Description |
Ambulance Expenses | Coveres reasonable charges for ambulance expenses (by surface transport only) |
Automatic Restoration of Sum Insured | 100% reload of SI in case base sum insured and No Claim Bonus has been partially or completely exhausted |
Co-Payment | All claims of International Treatment for specified Critical Illness will be subject to 20% Co-payment |
Daily Hospitalization Allowance | Hospital Cash is provided if the Insured Person should have been Hospitalized for a minimum period of 48 hours continuously |
Day Care Procedure Coverage | Covered |
Donor Expenses | Covers Organ Donor Expenses: Medical Expenses for an organ donor’s treatment for harvesting of the organ. |
Free Health Checkup | For Classic- Health Check-up is available once in 2 years. For Supreme and Elite- health check-up is available every year |
ICU Daily Rent Limit | Covered |
Medical Screening | Required above the age of 18 years |
Minimum Hospitalization Period | 24 hours |
New Born Baby Cover | New born baby will be covered as an insured person from birth (for the policy year in which the baby is born), if the Maternity Benefits claim has been accepted. This benefit is subject to 25% of Sum Insured |
No Claim Bonus | Classic – 10% of base SI,max of 50% of base SI; Supreme & Elite - 20% of base SI max 100% of base SI |
Non-Allopathic Treatments | Covered if treatment undergone in reconised hospital |
Post Hospitalization Expenses | 60 days for Classic, 90 days for Supreme & 180 days for Elite Plan |
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage | Covered after - Classic – After 48 months |Supreme –After 36 months| Elite – After 24 months |
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses | 30 days for Classic Plan and 60 days for Supreme & Elite |
Room Rent Limit | Covered |
Waiting Period for New Policy | 30 days |