Title | Description |
Room Rent Limit | Single Standard A/C Room |
ICU Daily Rent Limit | Covered |
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses | 30 days |
Post Hospitalization Expenses | 60 days (up to 2% of the basic sum insured per hospitalization) |
Minimum Hospitalization Period | 24 hours |
Day Care Procedure Coverage | Covered |
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage | Covered after 30 months (including Cancer) |
Waiting Period for New Policy | 30 days (except for Accidents) | For specific diseases 24 months | For Hospice Care 12 months |
Co-Payment | For insured persons whose age at the time of entry is 61 years and above co-payment of 10% of each and every claim amount for fresh as well as renewal policies |
Medical Screening | There is no pre medical tests irrespective of age. The previous medical records including details of treatment to be submitted along with proposal. |
Free Health Checkup | available for every claim free year Up to Rs 2,500/- |
Ambulance Expenses | Covered |
Non-Allopathic Treatments | Not covered |
No Claim Bonus | 5% for every claim free year maximum up to 50% |