Tax Plus Healthline Floater
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Chola Tax Plus Healthline Insurance Policy is meant for providing medical insurance coverage for both hospitalisation and non-hospitalisation (including OPD) expenses. This policy can be issued for individuals and families on floater sum insured basis.


  • Covers hospitalisation expenses.
  • Covers daily medicine and OPD expenses.
  • Get tax exemption on premium paid.
  • 5% increase in Section 1 limit for every claim free year.
Title Description
Ambulance Expenses Upto Rs.3000 per hospitalisation
Attendant Allowance Not Payable - Part of Room Charges
Co-Payment 50% co-pay applicable for Knee and Joint replacement surgery
Day Care Procedure Coverage Covered
Donor Expenses covered
ICU Daily Rent Limit 2% of SI Per day
Medical Screening For persons upto 55 years of age, no medical tests are required.
Minimum Hospitalization Period 24 hours
No Claim Bonus 5% of Sum Insured every claim free year subject to maximum of 50% of Sum Insured
Non-Allopathic Treatments Treatments under Allopathy or any other system of Indian medicine (other than naturopathy) are covered.
Post Hospitalization Expenses Up to 90 days, Maximum 10 % of Claim and up to Rs. 50,000
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses Up to 60 days, Maximum 5% of Claim
Room Rent Limit 1% of Sum Insured (SI) Per day
Waiting Period for New Policy 4 years